Abiding Together is a weekly podcast hosted by Michelle Benzinger, Sr. Miriam James Heidland, and Heather Khym, providing a place of connection, rest and encouragement for people who are on the journey of living out their passion and purpose in Jesus Christ.

Podcast Hosts
Heather Khym
Heather Khym has been serving in ministry for over 20 years and passionately shares the Gospel through speaking and leading worship. She has ministered to a variety of audiences throughout North America and has a passion for evangelization, discipleship, and creating an environment for people to have a personal encounter with God. In 2005, Heather and her husband, Jake, founded Life Restoration, a ministry which seeks to help people become fully alive and experience freedom and restoration in Jesus. Currently, Heather livses in Abbotsford, British Columbia with her husband Jake and their 3 children Maria, Judah, and Evangeline.
Visit Heather’s Website
For speaking requests, please contact Heather here info@liferestoration.ca
Sister Miriam
Sr. Miriam James Heidland is a former Division I athlete who had a radical conversion and joined the Society of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity (SOLT) in 1998. Her story has been featured on EWTN’s The Journey Home, SEEK Conference, USCCB Convocation, Relevant Radio and other outlets. She holds a Master’s degree in Theology from the Augustine Institute and speaks regularly on the topics of conversion, authentic love, forgiveness, healing (and sports!). She is the author of the book Loved As I Am and she tweets at @onegroovynun.
To request Sr. Miriam to speak at your event, please contact: eventrequests@solt.net
Michelle Benzinger
Michelle Benzinger is a wife, mother of 6 (4 born from her body /biological and two born from her heart/adopted from Haiti), coffee addict, reader, college football fanatic, dreamer, and design lover. Michelle has a heart to inspire others to understand that they have a voice and a divine mission. She wants to empower women and families to come together, to build that mission, and to become a force of beauty for the good of all mankind. She believes that once this beauty is recognized and lived out, it will transform families, communities, cultures and our world.
Visit Michelle’s Website and Shop
If you are interested in having Michelle as a speaker, please contact:
“I love these women! They provoke thought, inspiration, and are just so real and down to earth. The podcast teaches, encourages, and constantly reminds us how loved we are as the Beloved of God, because that is the truth!”

Our Story
From the beginning, Abiding Together was clearly a work of the Holy Spirit. “There was a long season in my life where I was very serious about my relationship with God and my faith, but I didn’t have people around me who I could connect to on a regular basis,” said Heather Khym in an interview with The Catholic Register. She found this connection in the form of a spiritually encouraging and convenient podcast that she could listen to amid her busy schedule. When she mentioned this to a friend of hers who was an established podcaster himself, he invited Heather to start her own.
Despite being rather shy, Heather answered the call to step up as a woman in ministry, and chose her two best friends—Michelle Benzinger and Sr. Miriam James Heidland—to host it with her. The podcast launched in February of 2017, and within just two years was downloaded two million times. The hosts were astounded by its incredible growth, and saw it as an indicator that today’s Catholics crave connection. The women’s living room chats meet that need by creating a sense of community that people are desperate for. They strive to be a voice of peace, hope, healing, encouragement, and inspiration for women who desire to journey closer to God.
In their podcasts, Heather, Sister Miriam, and Michelle speak truth and life to to women from every stage of life. Unafraid to talk about the hard things, they give a language to the heart, teaching their listeners how to pray and opening an avenue for Christ’s healing power to work. Wherever you’re at in your walk with God, we invite you to join our community. Tune in with over three million other listeners and experience the deep love and full life Jesus desires for you!
“If we open our hearts and give our small ‘yes,’ we never know what God can do.” —Heather Khym
“I love this podcast!!! I am a working Mom who runs my kids around almost every week night, I often am exhausted and dread it. But I listen to this while I’m doing that and I really look forward to it, which helps a lot! I’m so grateful for the wisdom, insight and faithfulness of these women. They inspire me and make me smile. Thank you and God bless you!”