S11 E02: Word of the Year - A Year of Favor Part 2
About This Episode
In this episode, we declare and claim this new year as a year of God’s favor! We discuss the power of repentance and blessing and the beautiful exchange that God wants to bestow on us as his beloved children. We continue our discussion on becoming a new creation in Christ through repentance, claiming God’s blessings, and destroying areas of idolatry in our life. We pray this week each of you would allow yourself to be found and renewed by the God of restoration!
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Show Notes
One Thing We Love This Week
Sister Miriam’s one thing - The King of Love My Shepherd Is - Sarah Kroger
Heather’s one thing - Hail O Queen - Damascus Worship
Michelle’s one thing - Rhythm - Lisa Keeven
Michelle’s other one thing - Crowned for Ashes. You can read more about this ministry through the following interview.
Other Books Mentioned
Discussion questions:
What stood out to you from this week’s episode?
Where does God want to bestow a beautiful exchange in your life (a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, a garment of praise instead of the spirit of despair)?
How can you cultivate the spiritual practices of repentance and renouncing? How can you cultivate the spiritual practices of claiming blessing and calling forth goodness?
Journal Questions:
What part of Isaiah 61 is God inviting you to be rooted in, in this new year?
Michelle shared a quote from Andy Couch, “Idols promise everything and deliver nothing.” What areas of idolatry is God asking you to repent as you move into a new year?
Are there areas of dysfunction, sin, or idolatry you would like to renounce especially for the sake of restoration in your family and future generations?
Quote to Ponder
“… in this new year that God is giving us to sanctify us and unite us more closely to Himself, let us make Him grow in our souls, let us keep alone and set apart; may He be truly King.”
Scripture for Lectio Divina
“...to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor…”
This episode is sponsored by
OSV Challenge
Are you a Catholic innovator or entrepreneur? OSV Institute for Catholic Innovation invites you to apply for the 2022 OSV Challenge. This multi-round entrepreneurial competition seeks and builds up Catholic innovators by offering opportunities for personal development, professional guidance, and idea acceleration—and a shot at one of five $100,000 prizes. This year the OSV Challenge also includes four new idea tracks for creative arts, entrepreneurship, parishes and dioceses, and technology that are specially designed to support the applicants in each track. At least one $100,000 winner will be selected from each track. Applications for the OSV Challenge are due February 18, 2022, so don’t wait to enter! Visit osvchallenge.com for full details.
Announcing our
2022 Lenten Study
This year we will be journeying through the season of Lent with a six-part series based on Restore: A Guided Lent Journal for Prayer and Meditation written by our very own Sister Miriam James Heidland. You can pre-order your copy from Ave Maria Press here or pre-order from Amazon here. We look forward to journeying with you this Lent!