S16 E6 - Spiritual Mentorship: Being Formed in Jesus
About This Episode
In this episode, we talk about spiritual mentorship and being formed in Jesus. We reflect on the spiritual mentors who have journeyed with us and share stories about the lessons that have shaped who we are today. We also talk about why comparison crushes our ability to receive, our calling to make disciples of all nations, and how the daily witness of our lives is an answer to this call.
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Show Notes
One Thing We Love This Week:
Sister Miriam’s one thing - Dr. Christin McIntyre on the Restore the Glory Podcast and her lectures on Thomistic Psychology (Part 1) (Part 2)
Michelle’s one thing - Dr. Mary Lou and Chris O’Grady and letting us use their beach home
Heather’s one thing - Fix You (Live from the O2 Arena) by Jacob Collier and Chris Martin
Join us for our Lenten Study beginning March 5th, 2025 as we journey through “Jesus and the Jubilee: The Biblical Roots of the Year of God’s Favor“ by Dr. John Bergsma. We look forward to sitting at the feet of a leading scholar as we unpack what the Lord has in store for us in the year of Jubilee.
Order your copy at the St. Paul Center with promo code “ABIDE15” for 15% off. There are also bulk discounts available. The St. Paul Center just restocked their inventory so they have plenty of books for you to order!
Discussion Questions:
What were the practical ways that you were able to receive mentorship in your life?
What parts of the Face of God did my mentors reveal to me despite their own brokenness?
How have your peers mentored you in different seasons?
Who can you help discover & release their gifts to the world?
Journal Questions:
Who has mentored me throughout my life?
Who have I mentored throughout my life?
How have I failed to acknowledge the humanity of my mentors?
What intentional “yeses” can I give to mentoring or being mentored in this season?
Quote to Ponder:
“Modern man listens more willingly to witnesses than to teachers, and if he listens to teachers, it is because they are witnesses.”
Scripture for Lectio Divina
“How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”
This episode is sponsored by:
This episode is sponsored by Hallow, the #1 prayer app in the world with over 10,000 prayers, meditations, and music to help you find peace and grow closer to God. Hallow's annual Pray40 challenge for Lent is a powerful way to dive deeper into the three pillars of Lent: prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. This year's Pray40 is called The Way and focuses on the writings of St. Josemaría Escrivá and the story of Servant of God Takashi Nagai. You can join Sr. Miriam as well as other Christian voices like Jonathan Roumie, Fr. Mike Schmitz, Mark Wahlberg, actor Chris Pratt, and more for this 40-day journey to the cross. As we meditate on the lives of those who follow Christ, we’ll see that despite the noise and distraction of today, Jesus died on the cross so that we might know His love and, ultimately, eternal life. We need only to follow His Way.
Get 3 months free of Hallow at hallow.com/abide