Under Mary's Mantle - Part 3: Warrior Mother (S08 E14)
About This Episode
In this episode, we continue our four part Advent series on the nature and character of Mary, our Mother. We discuss the call for women to be tender and strong, to fight for those we love with the power of the feminine genius. We chat about the tender strength required to watch Jesus suffer and die and the importance of trust, surrender and strength submitted under the will of God. Mary is offering her motherhood to us if we are willing to receive her invitation of protection.
This episode is sponsored by
Project Light Ministries
Project Light Ministries resources are designed to create space and starting points for conversations where the secular can intersect with the sacred. Their resources make no assumptions and meet each person right where they are. They use the power of storytelling on film because each one of us needs to know we are not alone. The aim of creating a film is not just about getting a message out there. The process dictates that our media is raw, honest, and beautiful.
For this reason, they make documentary style films, a specialty of their partner 4PM Media. They achieve captivating cinematography by appealing to truth and beauty in everything they approach.
Nine years ago, they dreamed of helping others create a safe space where individuals could sit and find the courage to tell their story. Where men & women, young & old, would affirm their worth by sharing bits of brokenness of their past chapters & current struggles. A space that would confront the uncomfortable, talk about the “taboo” and shine light into the darkest parts of our hearts. A place that would offer hope, grace, mercy and an invitation to rewrite the script of society. We are the ones called to speak truth over one another of a God who calls us by name who can redeem the darkest parts of our story.
You can find Project Light Ministries films as a DVD or digital download at www.projectlightministries.com. Enter the code "abide10" for 10% off of the DVD Bundle which includes a copy of both "Speaking to Sparrows" and "The 4th Man".
This episode is created under the patronage of
Our Lady of Sorrows
Learn more about the novena to our Lady of Sorrows here or the Seven Sorrows Rosary here.
Show Notes
One Thing We Love This Week
Michelle’s one thing - In Full Boom - Claire Swinarski
Michelle’s other one thing - Rekindled - Mallory Smyth
Sister Miriam’s one thing - Essays on Women - Edith Stein. ENDOW also created an online study on these writings that you can purchase online here.
Heather’s one thing - Watching epic movies like Gladiator and Braveheart with her family
Discussion questions:
What struck you from this week’s episode?
How can we invite Mary into our lives as a real person, more than just a statue in our church or a figure of piety in the Bible?
What does it look like for women to wield their swords? What does it look like for women to fight for those that they love using the feminine genius and avoiding bitterness and manipulation?
Where has the enemy distracted you with a small battle that has pulled your attention and intention away from what the Lord has for you?
Journal Questions:
How do you need Mary to fight for you? What attack from the serpent do you want her to crush? What snare do you want her to free you from? What knot do you want her to untie?
What struggle in your life have you resigned to just “tough it out” instead of opening to restoration? How is God inviting you to grow in surrender, vulnerability and strength through laying down resignation, grasping, and control?
Take some time in prayer to invite Mary’s protection and defense from the enemy.