In this episode, we continue our four part series on Sisterhood. This episode is now offered in video on youtube! We discuss what it looks like for women to form each other in community so that we can all live our dignity as daughters made in the image and likeness of God. We discuss milestone experiences in a woman’s life and the necessity of journeying through these seasons with other women. We pray this week you would continue to become the sister God created you to be!
Read MoreIn this episode, we break open the scripture of the Visitation as we begin a four part series on the identity of sister - biological and spiritual. This episode is now offered in video on youtube! We discuss the model of speaking blessing into one another’s lives as we confirm and affirm each other’s truest identity. We chat about how Mary and Elizabeth needed one another’s story and resisted the temptations of comparison and competition in choosing celebration. We pray God would be the center of your relationships and sisterhoods!
Read MoreIn this episode, we complete our four part series on the identity of daughter. This episode is now offered in video on youtube! We discuss the full redemption God desires for his daughters emotionally, spiritually, sexually, and in a particular way as women, physically through our bodies and beauty. We chat about the practice of repentance and declaring the truth about ourselves, body and soul. We pray you would allow Christ to bring your whole self into communion with him in your identity as daughter so you may grow into a sister, a mother and a bride.
Read MoreIn this episode, we continue our four part series on the identity of daughter. This episode is now offered in video on youtube! We discuss wounds from our childhood - rejection, abandonment and a failure to feel safe - and the lasting effects these wounds can have in our adult relationships. We chat about loving our younger selves with compassion, so that we can receive God’s unconditional love today. We pray you would allow the Divine Healer to look on your wounds with compassion this week!
Read MoreIn this episode, we continue our four part series on the identity of daughter. We discuss the core needs of early childhood - to be seen, known and loved - and how this time is crucial in learning to trust and receive. We share our fears of being seen as needy or as a burden to others as well as what counterfeit needs are vs actual needs. We chat about the healing that we experience when we allow God the Father to love us in the places we didn’t receive what we needed as a child.
Read MoreIn this episode, we begin a four-part series on the identity of daughter. This episode is now offered in video on youtube! We speak about the building blocks of daughterhood: trusting the heart of God and receiving our identity from the Father. We discuss the foundational importance of believing we are beloved children even when there are parts of our humanity and frailty that we do not love. We pray that you may behold the Father this week and allow him to behold you with delight!
Read MoreIn this episode, we discuss how God meets us where we are rather than where we pretend to be and invites us into a never-ending love. We chat about acknowledging the deeper desires and longings in our hearts with a holy curiosity and responding to God’s pursuit of us. We also share a sneak peek of the depths we have planned for the rest of this season! We pray you would experience the peace of floating in the deep love he has for you this week through the grace of surrender, trust, and receptivity!
Read MoreIn this episode, we discuss God’s unchanging sovereignty and love despite the turmoil and constant changes brought on by the pandemic and other current crises. We chat about the illusion of control, our litanies to God of what we would change if we could, and the peace that comes only with surrender. We discuss the importance of allowing ourselves to experience our emotions fully in the face of recent disappointments, while always choosing to submit our feelings under the truth of God. We pray that this week you would know how much God delights in your trust as he works a new thing in your life!
Read MoreIn this episode, we reconnect after our summer break to discuss the ways God has grown us this summer and our hopes for the season to come. We marvel together at how the Lord continues to heal us, remind us of His truth, and invite us to abide deeper in who He is and who He says we are. We chat about how the maturation that comes with repentance and the willingness to start over again with God. We pray that God will do a new thing in you as you join us on the journey this season!
Read MoreIn this episode we discuss the virtue of Christian Hope through a discussion on Pope Francis’s homily from the 2020 Easter Vigil, A Right to Hope. We chat about hope as more than mere optimism or wishful thinking, but rather a deep trust that God keeps his promises and He is who he says he is. We discuss the necessity of practicing hope in patience and humility as God reveals the mystery of how He is making all things new. This is our last episode of Season 9 and we pray that you may receive the gift of hope this summer. We will see you for Season 10 in the Fall!
Read MoreIn this episode we discuss the idea of personal revival through the power of the Holy Spirit, repentance and reawakening. We discuss the necessity of interior death in order to experience resurrection and the fears that prevent us from living in the power of the Holy Spirit. We chat about how to identify areas in our life that are dormant in order to experience new life and about the importance of community in bringing about revival. We pray the Holy Spirit would move mightily in your life this week!
Read MoreIn this episode we discuss the power of Christ to untie the knots of bitterness and unforgiveness in our life as we grow in holiness. We discuss the lies that come from our wounds and cause us to make agreements and judgements because of our hurt. We chat about the simple, but sometimes hard path towards greater freedom in Christ. We close our time together with a beautiful prayer led by Sister Miriam. We pray you would allow the Lord to untie the knots in your life this week!
Read MoreIn this episode we discuss the mystery and gift of the Church in the midst of scandals, disappointments, heartaches and failures. We discuss the “both and” nature of the Church that delivers the grace of the sacraments and is made up of only sinners. We chat about the family of the Church and our role as women to help reconcile and restore the broken places through transparency and repentance. We pray you would notice the Holy Spirit working a new thing within your heart this week.
Read MoreIn this episode we discuss Pope Benedict XVI’s 2017 address to artists from the Sistine Chapel. We chat about the power of beauty to draw us in, pierce our hearts with longing, and lead us to the Beautiful One, the Creator God Himself. We discuss the importance of pausing to consider our reaction to beauty and how surrendering our fear of being wounded can lead us to the intimate encounter with God we all long for. We pray this week you would meet God in the ache uncovered by beauty!
Read MoreIn this episode we discuss the importance of encountering God through play and leisure. We talk about how we remember what we played as children and when we stopped playing for a more serious, busy or productive adulthood. We chat about God’s desire to restore our playful hearts so that we may come as children with trust, dependence and surrender.
Read MoreIn this episode we complete the four part mini-series Herstory on women in Scripture with the story of Esther. We discuss the providence in the behind the scenes work of God and how God’s call on one person’s life can cause a ripple effect within a nation. We chat about God’s design and plan for each of us and how he desires to use your unique influence to build the kingdom right where you are. We pray that you would receive God’s courage to live out your feminine genius to bring about God’s glory today.
Read MoreIn this episode, we continue our conversation with Fr. Josh Johnson on the Sacrament of Confession and God’s enduring delight in His children. We discuss how to uncover what might be at the root of our sin and what longings or desires we may be seeking to fulfill when we are in these situations. We finish with a healing prayer led by Fr. Josh and an encouragement to encounter Jesus in confession for greater freedom and healing this Lent!
You can find the Pocket Guide to Reconciliation at or Amazon.
In this episode we spend some time with one of our dearest friends, Fr. Josh Johnson, to discuss the invitation to God’s mercy as we prepare for the season of Lent. Fr. Josh shares his own personal stories of healing through the sacrament of confession, as well his heart behind his new book A Pocket Guide to Reconciliation. We discuss confession as a sacrament of healing and God’s heart to restore our relationship with Him rather than condemn or shame us. We will be back next week with part two of our conversation with Fr. Josh, and you can find the Pocket Guide to Reconciliation at or Amazon.
Read MoreIn this episode, we focus on the patron of the universal Church, St Joseph. Since Pope Francis has declared this as the “Year of St Joseph”, we desire to uncover the gift of this humble and faithful adoptive father of Jesus. We discuss Joseph as a tender, loving Father who shows us that God can use our frailty and weakness to bring about great things for the Kingdom. We consider how in the face of disappointment, Joseph chose to surrender and continue to give his daily fiat. We pray that you would allow Joseph to take you into his home as he does with Mary and be open to the healing God wants to work in your heart this year.
Read MoreIn this episode we interview our special guest and friend, Fr. Mike Schmitz and introduce you to a brand new podcast from Ascension Press, The Bible in a Year with Fr. Mike Schmitz featuring Jeff Cavins. We discuss the importance of developing a biblical worldview: a lens to view our relationships, circumstances and choices through how the scripture teaches us to think about ourselves and about God. We chat with one of the most recognizable priests in the modern church about humility, the scripture that speaks to him, and what we all can receive by opening the scriptures every day for a year. You can find a daily reading plan and more information about The Bible in Year Podcast with Fr. Mike Schmitz featuring Jeff Cavins at
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