In this week's episode, we conclude our 4 part Advent study of Heather’s new book Encountering Emmanuel. We discuss how we all have deep cries within our hearts and how Jesus coming as a baby gives voice to those longings and sorrows that we hold. We also reflect on the role of the Holy Spirit in revealing the love of God, the power of a name in calling out our truest identity, and the great adventure of falling in love with the Lord. Friends, thank you for joining us on the journey this Advent season. We look forward to next year and pray the Lord reveals Himself to you in a deeper and more intimate way this Christmas season. God bless!
Read MoreIn this week's episode, we continue with “Week Three” in our 4 part Advent study of Heather’s new book Encountering Emmanuel. We meditate on the vulnerability of Jesus as a baby and how He comes as one who is little so we can know that we are loved in our littleness. We also reflect on what it looks like to have hope, how to love with an open heart, and the deeper meaning of incense. Jesus’ heart is an open place of refuge where we find the comfort and relief we so desperately need this Advent season.
Read MoreIn this week's episode, we continue in our 4 part Advent study of Heather’s new book Encountering Emmanuel and focus on “Week Two”. We ponder the reality that we are welcomed into Jesus’ family as heirs and children of God. We also discuss the restoration that takes place in family, relating to each other as spiritual family, and the ache we experience for union with God in Heaven.
Read MoreIn this week's episode, we begin our 4 part Advent study of Heather’s new book Encountering Emmanuel and focus on the “Introduction” and “Week One”. We discuss the inspiration behind the book, the fruit that comes from journaling, and the call to recognize the voice of the Good Shepherd. We also reflect on allowing Jesus to be born in our hearts, encounter our wounds, and bring light to our personal darkness.
Read MoreIn this week's episode, we reflect on how to prepare for Advent. During this busy season, it is easy to spend more time preparing our home than our hearts and we chat about the need for slowing down, quieting our hearts and surroundings, and becoming attentive to God’s presence in our daily lives. We also share practical ways we prepare and wait for the coming of our Lord at Christmas.
Read MoreIn this week's episode, we conclude our three part series on the heart and Pope Francis’ recent encyclical Dilexit Nos. We reflect on Scripture as a personal love story, how it speaks to our areas of weakness, and the awesome reality of Jesus desiring to love and heal us there. The Lord meets us where we are and He is always seeking to bring our hearts closer to His. He speaks directly to each one of us with an invitation to be loved and to love. This invitation of love requires a response not only in big moments but in the ordinary moments of each day.
Read MoreIn this week's episode, we continue our three part series on Pope Francis’ recent encyclical Dilexit Nos. We reflect on our ache to be loved, how Jesus heals in close proximity to us, and the “science of the caress”. We also talk about how Jesus is a man who comes and finds us wherever we are and longs to open up a new place for us in relationship with Him. Will we allow our hearts to beat again with love?
Read MoreIn this week's episode, we begin a three part series on Pope Francis’ recent encyclical Dilexit Nos (on the human and divine love of the Heart of Jesus Christ). We discuss how God, as the Divine initiator, loved us first and continuously calls us deeper into His most Sacred Heart. We also reflect on the meaning of our hearts, being captivated by Jesus’ love, and the beauty of allowing Him to set our hearts aflame.
Read MoreIn this week's episode, we continue our discussion on communion and focus on the practical aspects of living out in community. We reflect on the four main pillars of building a community: intentionality, vulnerability, proximity, and organically. We also talk about community as a journey and that we learn to love others by experiencing the love of God ourselves. This experience brings communion within us, which bears fruit, and then we are then able to give that love away to others.
Read MoreIn this week's episode, we talk about the theology of communion. Our desire for communion with others is very good and comes from God Himself. In fact, our ache for community is an ache for eternity. God desires to bring us into an eternal communion with Him and the community here on earth points towards this in a small way. We discuss what happens when we experience a broken community, the challenges faced in building community, and how community changes throughout the seasons of life.
Read MoreIn this week's episode, we model what it looks like to pray Lectio Divina, which is a divine reading of Sacred Scripture. We begin by sharing the different ways we spend time in Sacred Scripture, how it has impacted our lives, and model how to pray Lectio Divina. We invite you to follow along and join us as we spend time reading and reflecting on John 15:5-8. Sacred Scripture is the voice of God and what He has said is alive forever and relevant to our lives in all situations. We encourage you to journey with us as we deepen our relationship with God through His word.
Read MoreIn this week's episode, we reflect on suffering and love. We all have deep and tender places in our hearts where we suffer. Sometimes we feel alone in these sorrows and because of this, turn inwards into our pain. But the reality is, we are never alone in our suffering; God is always with us. We also reflect on fear in suffering, suffering in isolation vs suffering in communion, and how to allow God’s light to shine into these sorrowful places.
Read MoreIn this week's episode, we look back and remember both the glorious and luminous moments in our lives. We share how allowing the Holy Spirit to overshadow us has brought forth an overflowing of grace and restoration in our lives. We also reflect on how God desires to restore our voices in places where we are afraid and have become silent. Today, join us in reflecting on your recent faith journey to discover the beautiful ways God has been shaping your soul through your own glorious and luminous mysteries.
Read MoreIn this week's episode, we look back over the past year and remember both the joyful and sorrowful moments in our lives. We discuss the importance of regularly bringing our attention to what God is doing in our lives and reflecting on the opportunities we have to deepen our surrender to God’s provision. Today, join us in reflecting on your recent faith journey to discover the beautiful ways God has been shaping your soul through your own joyful and sorrowful mysteries.
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