S12 E02: Word of the Year

In this episode, we continue our annual tradition, sharing our Word of the Year! Each year we each ask God to give us a theme to focus on for the new year and invite you to do the same. After personal prayer and reflection, we share our words for 2023 and how our words of the year have been connected over time. At the end of the episode, we also share an exciting announcement about our upcoming Lenten Book Study and insights into the theme for Season 12 of the podcast!

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Podcasts, Season 12Kevin Wessa
S12 E01: Since We’ve Been Gone

We are so excited to be back! In this episode, we reconnect after an extended break to share with you updates from each of our lives according to the mysteries of the Rosary: joyful, sorrowful, luminous, and glorious. While our first episode back is traditionally our “Word of the Year” episode, we felt the need to open up about what has been going on in our lives the past seven months. Stay tuned for next week’s episode to discover each of our words for 2023. Thank you for being a part of our journey. We are so incredibly grateful for you.

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Podcasts, Season 12Kevin Wessa
S11 E17: For Everything There Is a Season

In this final episode of season 11 we chat about our favorite parts of the last year’s episodes and have a special announcement about what is coming next for the podcast. We discuss how there is a season for everything and how we are invited to not grasp onto the things that God entrusts to us, but to hold them loosely with a posture of trust and freedom. We also talk about taking time to be quiet and discern what the Lord has for us, what changes need to be made, and what to let go of. We pray that you have a wonderful summer filled with simplicity and moments to spend with Christ.

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S11 E16: Bride Part 4: Fruitful Love

In this episode, we conclude our series on the identity of Bride: Fruitful Love. We discuss the truth that love was designed to be life generating and to bear good fruit that will last. Although this occurs through biological children within family, it also applies to community and beyond the boundaries of biological ties in the discipleship of others. We also talk honestly about how tenderness, vulnerability, and intimacy are intertwined and what is needed to feel safe and open up. Our body has meaning and was made for an other. We all are invited to grow from brokenness to wholeness in our sexuality. This conversation has some mature content so please be sensitive to little ears listening.

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S11 E15: Bride Part 3: Faithful & Honoring Love

In this episode, we continue with part three of our series on the identity of Bride: Faithful and Honoring Love. We discuss where we have been wounded or where we have wounded others and how that affects current relationships. We chat about how being guarded can inhibit vulnerability and how to navigate our blocks to grow in intimacy. We offer insights into how to come before the Lord with our preconceived ideas and allow Him to speak the truth, as well as how to maintain fidelity in relationships. This week, let us not resign ourselves to mediocrity, but recommit to loving well.

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S11 E14: Bride Part 2: Full & Total Love

In this episode, we continue with part two of our series on the identity of Bride: Full and Total Love. We discuss the perfect model we have in Christ of love without reservation and the distinction between co-existing with those we love and living in complete union. We pray this week you would allow your heart to be transformed to love those around you fully and totally.

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S11 E12: Lent Part 6: Sacrifice and Holy Week

In this episode, we conclude in our Lenten series as we journey through Sister Miriam’s book Restore. It’s not too late to join us! You can find your copy today at Ave Maria Press. We discuss entering into the paschal mystery with our whole hearts. We chat about the different characters of the Passion - Judas, Mary of Bethany, Peter - and how we can experience God’s extravagant love through the Holy Week liturgies. We pray that you would be open to the Holy Spirit, carry the light burden of sacrifice this week, and experience the resurrection power of Jesus!

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S11 E11: Lent Part 5: The Journey of Forgiveness

In this episode, we continue in our Lenten series as we journey through Sister Miriam’s book Restore. It’s not too late to join us! You can find your copy today at Ave Maria Press. This week we discuss the journey of forgiveness bringing us through the suffering, death, and resurrection to true freedom. We speak about the importance of grieving and encourage you to receive healing through the sacrament of reconciliation this Lent.

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S11 E10: Lent Part 4: The Healing Balm of Almsgiving

In this episode, we continue in our Lenten series as we journey through Sister Miriam’s book Restore. It’s not too late to join us! You can find your copy today at Ave Maria Press. This week we discuss the healing that comes through almsgiving. We share our own personal experiences of tithing our time, practicing obedience in our vocations, and how almsgiving is more than giving money. We pray that God would grow your capacity to see Christ in the other through the practice of almsgiving!

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S11 E09: Lent Part 3: The Roots of Sin

In this episode, we continue in our Lenten series as we journey through Sister Miriam’s book Restore. It’s not too late to join us! You can find your copy today at Ave Maria Press. This week we dive even deeper into the healing power of fasting and share the tendencies and temptations we notice when fasting. We discuss how God desires to identify, uproot, and heal the wounds exposed when we enter into this Lenten practice. We pray this week you would allow God to bring healing and wholeness through the discipline of fasting.

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S11 E08: Lent Part 2: Freedom of Heart

In this episode, we continue in our Lenten series as we journey through Sister Miriam’s book Restore. It’s not too late to join us! You can find your copy today at Ave Maria Press. This week we discuss the power of fasting and sacrifices to bring healing within ourselves and deeper communion with Jesus. We chat about how fasting can bring forth repentance and right ordered love when we remember we are saying no, so that we can say a greater yes to Jesus, our lover. We pray that your fasting would bring about healing and restoration this Lent!

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S11 E07: Lent Part 1: The Desert

In this episode, we begin our Lenten series as we journey through Sister Miriam’s book Restore. It’s not too late to join us! You can find your copy today at Ave Maria Press. We share our own perspectives entering this new season of Lent before diving into the first section on prayer. We speak about the healing power of the disciplines of Lent: prayer, almsgiving and fasting as a means to lean into our desire and God’s desire for us. We remind one another of the true goal of Lent: union with Christ. We pray that it blesses you.

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S11 E06: Mother Part 4: Communion in Motherhood

In this episode, we conclude our conversation on motherhood focusing on the feminine genius of maternity. We speak about how to grow in spiritual maternity to allow new life and lasting fruit to come forth through us. We discuss the need to continue to allow others to mother us, as well as the importance of showing up for ourselves and tending to our own needs. We revisit the ideas of abiding in the Lord and living a right-ordered life in community in order to live our vocations as mothers. We pray this week you would bring forth the life God desires to birth in you.

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S11 E05: Mother Part 3: The Healing & Repair of Motherhood

In this episode, we continue our discussion on motherhood by reflecting on the gift of sensitivity. We discuss how Our Lady reveals in her motherhood how God knows us, notices us and responds to us. We chat about the temptation to conform, wall off our hearts, or see the gift of sensitivity as a liability rather than a tool for healing. We speak about the space within our hearts as mothers that allows for others to room, grow and cultivate their true humanity. We pray for you to experience healing this week!

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S11 E04: Mother Part 2: The Wounds of Motherhood

In this episode, we speak about the impact of maternal wounds caused by distraction, harsh words, and abandonment. We discuss repairing relationships through time, perspective, and understanding the context of the situations our mothers experienced as women. We speak about the importance of maturity as mothers, especially when our children hurt us and how to seek healing, restoration and repair immediately. We pray this week the Lord would respond and be the healer of your wounds!

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S11 E03: Mother Part 1: The Power of Motherhood

In this episode, we begin a 4 part series on the identity of women as mother. We talk about the power of motherhood at this time in history and how we are called to cultivate, guard, and develop true humanity. This call is innate in every woman whether they are a biological mother or not. We discuss the power and need for community where we can receive and be received by others and experience deeper healing.

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S11 E02: Word of the Year - A Year of Favor Part 2

In this episode, we declare and claim this new year as a year of God’s favor! We discuss the power of repentance and blessing and the beautiful exchange that God wants to bestow on us as his beloved children. We continue our discussion on becoming a new creation in Christ through repentance, claiming God’s blessings, and destroying areas of idolatry in our life. We pray this week each of you would allow yourself to be found and renewed by the God of restoration!

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Podcasts, Season 11Kevin Wessa
S11 E01: Word of the Year - A Year of Favor Part 1

In this episode, we reconnect after an extended winter break to continue our annual tradition, sharing our Word of the Year! Each year we each ask God to give us a theme to focus on for the new year and invite you to do the same. After personal prayer and reflection, we share our words for 2022 and how our words of the year have been connected. We discuss the importance of claiming this year for Christ and invite you to join us on the journey again!

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Podcasts, Season 11Kevin Wessa
S10 E15: Advent Part 4: The Prince of Peace Reigns - St. Teresa of Avila

In this episode, we conclude our four part Advent series revisiting the women Doctors of the Church with a discussion on peace through the life of St. Teresa of Avila. We discuss the key to peace as abiding in the love of Christ despite the storms of life. We chat about peace that comes from rightly ordered relationships and the need to cultivate peace through daily acts of trust, rest, and surrender. We pray that as we near Christmas, you would experience the peace of Christ in a new way!

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